NHL '10/'11 Thread.

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Congrats to the Bruins and to Vancouver-born Lucic.(and old dude Recchi too - the only player left from EA NHL '94...haha). I was hoping we'd play y'all rather than Tampa Bay but boy I sure wish the Bolts had beaten you now.

We talked shit after game 5 and look where it got us. Some guys never learn.

I want to rip Marchand's head off but that little guy is a damn good player and proved it tonight.

Enjoy another big party Boston. We in Vancouver only have one major league team and you screwed us! You hear me?! You screwed us!

Hats off to the Stanley Cup champions, the Boston Bruins

- Canuck fan
Sorry to say, Thomas is too good. Boston won. You will get it some other time Plasma2wat. I frankly didn't care outside of the USA second-hand goaltender we had that gets his chance to show the world how gifted he is. I know it is painful because I was there all the way with season tickets for my Wild in '04 (when Bettman screwed us hard with no vaseline, if you remember the scheduling conflicts). It's a bitch but it's sports, ultimately.

Ike Stain

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Boston Pizza just filed for bankruptcy.

Ike Stain

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Congrats to the Boston Bruins for wining the Stanley Cup, now the city of Vancouver is rioting now.


Closed Account
rioting, Vancouver? really? you're a bunch of sad people to riot instead of appreciate how far your team went.

sincerely, hockey fans everywhere else (except for Montreal)


Official Checked Star Member
I'm not a hockey fan (or a sports fan at all for that matter) but wtf is up with the Bruins roster being 95% Canadian? Maybe I'm stupid, but shouldn't an American team consist of American players?! Hell, the Canucks have more Americans on their team than Boston does...something about that seems odd to me.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Congrats to the Bruins and their fans. You earned this completely. Vancouver did not deserve to win this game at all.

And to the people in Vancouver... knock it off. If the team was screwed out of the championship, that's one thing... but they were completely outplayed. You're just proving everyone who talks bad about the Canucks right.
Congratulations to the Boston Bruins who knocked out 2 of my top 5 favorite teams and another in my top 7. It's been awhile Bruins fans... enjoy! :hatsoff:

Canuckleheads.... it's been a good year, think about that and enjoy it even in the bitterness of what was nearly there. :(

Tim Thomas... just wow, great run! :hatsoff:
This is embarrassing for me as a human being, much less a Canuck fan. This is a Facebook riot, dudes just tryin to look cool and sh*t. Half the front line dudes are on their phones texting and shit. Class-less, yesireee. Vancouver sucks. That's why I'm at home in the surrounding 'burbs, having a normal human reaction to a big loss. I'm getting on with it...

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Congratulations to the Boston Bruins!!! and congrats to the Canucks on an awesome season, albeit you came up a little short. :eek: I must admit, I didn't see any of the goals, as I was busy taking my dogs out.. they always act so weird when its raining..:dunno: but from what I did see of the game, it looked like the Nucks had no urgency, they looked flat, IMO they gave up after the B's scored the 1st goal. :uohs: Poor Roberto!! he must feel awful, I feel sorry for Kessler, Bieska, and Luongo.. I feel sorry for Kessler because he's from Michigan, Bieska because he is a gamer, and luongo cuz he's so good, but yet so inconsistent. :cussing:

I am happiest for Tim Thomas, he definitely deserved to win the MVP and I am glad he is the biggest reason the B's win Lord Stanleys Cup :nanner::beer::glugglug::party::partysml:

P.s. now that the season is officially over with new Stanley Cup Champions (The Boston Bruins) now I can't wait for July 1 too see who's going where!!! :surprise:
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