I think I got a disease on my testicles...


Closed Account
Lately, when I take a shower or I take a dump in the toilet. I see a ''ball'' above my left testicle. It make a curve and when I touch it, it like a testicle but smaller.

I checked on google for testicles diseases and find nothing related to my problem. I am kinda worried now, I just hope it nothing too bad...
See your doctor ASAP.


Closed Account
Any kind of doctor? I mean I haven't went to the hospital or a doctor since my 18th birthday and I can't no longer go to the children's hospital. So I don't really know which doctor to see. Yeah... all the change from a teenager to a adult kinda confuse me...

I just rechecked and the ''ball'' and it's very small and very soft compared to the testicles. I read a book not long ago, that I should move move/massage my testicles to prevent a ''ball'' that is not normally here to come. When I read that I thought the ''ball'' is the one I have right now. And tonight I just remembered that and thought somebody had a idea what is that.

Also the book only tell how to prevent it but not how to cure it or what to do. :(
It's sounds like a form of benign tumor or whatever it's called. It happens to some men that they get such "balls" in that area, and it's likely completely harmless for you. However, it's imperative that you see a doctor about this, as he will be able to tell you what you exactly need to do about it.


Closed Account
Any kind of doctor? I mean I haven't went to the hospital or a doctor since my 18th birthday and I can't no longer go to the children's hospital. So I don't really know which doctor to see. Yeah... all the change from a teenager to a adult kinda confuse me...

I just rechecked and the ''ball'' and it's very small and very soft compared to the testicles. I read a book not long ago, that I should move move/massage my testicles to prevent a ''ball'' that is not normally here to come. When I read that I thought the ''ball'' is the one I have right now. And tonight I just remembered that and thought somebody had a idea what is that.

Also the book only tell how to prevent it but not how to cure it or what to do. :(

If you are 18, pick up the phone call your health care provider or local hospital and simply ask. Its nothing to be embarrassed by or to wait on. Do it now and start the ball rolling (no pun) call the ER ask for a local Dr's name. Go see a doctor is the only right answer here as most stated.

don't worry, you are not going to die or lose a testicle...you have an inguinal hernia. i had the same thing. this is caused when the tube that your testicle decends from as a baby does not fully close and later in life the intestines can push through. this is not life threatening but it is a medical condition that needs to be adressed by your doctor. minor surgery may be neccassery.
don't worry...i had the same thing and it wasn't bad at all.
more info: http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/Inguinal-Hernia-Topic-Overview
I had a similar problem and it was there for several years until one day I decided I'd better take care of it, went to the doc, he gave me some pills, I took them for several days, and it was gone.

Thing was that my problem started one night when I took a long trip by bus when I was about 16. I was wearing this pair of jeans that did not fit that well anymore and was a bit tight around the crotch and I think when I fell asleep on the bus I may have put too much pressure on my balls or something and one of them felt very sore and felt like it had a small ball on it, but I don't know how or when your problem began, that information may also be of use. Was it something spontaneous that happened all by itself or do you remember anything like getting kicked in the nuts before it happened?
Testicle cancer hits many men age 18-35 ...

You should check your testicles regularly for lumps, especially after a warm shower when the muscles and scrotum are most relaxed.
Testicle cancer hits many men age 18-35, and if detected early, it is easily addressed, most often without any loss of any functionality.


:eek: :eek:

maybe it is a third testicle? If so, I would keep it if I was you. It would be kinda cool to have a third testicle don't you think:D


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I second and third the response, go see a doctor. Just a general medicine doctor will do.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
It's a korean gold farmer. Kick him off your testicle and make sure to ban his IP.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

Back on topic, do i need to tell you what to do? Everyones already said it.

go to a doctor, now!

Didja know? Over in Korea they want to tax the gold farmers. They formed a union against the government.

:cue worlds smallest violin playing:

F!ckin' nutbags need to die.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
don't worry, you are not going to die or lose a testicle...you have an inguinal hernia. i had the same thing. this is caused when the tube that your testicle decends from as a baby does not fully close and later in life the intestines can push through. this is not life threatening but it is a medical condition that needs to be adressed by your doctor. minor surgery may be neccassery.
don't worry...i had the same thing and it wasn't bad at all.
more info: http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/tc/Inguinal-Hernia-Topic-Overview
I just love how some people have the ability to diagnose someones condition over the internet without even taking a basic history of the situation *rolls eyes*